Sunday, October 18, 2009

True love or bread?

What is better - finding true love or a simple bread?

What is better than finding true love?
But a slice of bread is better than nothing,
So a slice of bread is better than finding true love... 0.o????

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hard to be water...


(wiki actually had an entry for this 0.o???)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Divine Mission

A highly devoted priest was in peril of losing his church unless a miracle happened, so one of his faithful followers decided to fake a miracle to save the church. The follower succeeded and the church was saved. The priest realized this was no miracle and eventually uncovered the truth, thus approached the follower and asked why he did this. The follower replied
"I feel it was my mission in life to save this church as it is your mission in life to spread God's word".
The priest replied
"Maybe it was my mission in life to lose this church so I could save you."